About Forrest

Forrest grew up in Aberdeen, WA, and went east of the mountains to graduate Cum Laude from the prestigious Whitman College in Walla Walla in 1983. A member of the venerable Phi Beta Kappa honor society, Forrest decided to study law at the tiny, but elite Washington and Lee University School of Law.
He was a Moot Team Qualifier and graduated in 1986. Forrest decided on Olympia as the ideal community to practice law, and he eventually became one of the most sought-after divorce attorneys in the local bar. Forrest hung out his shingle in 1995 and limited his practice to family law.
Forrest has presented at several CLE seminars over the years and has written on family law subjects, including “The ABC’s of Child Support” presented as part of a CLE seminar and “Defending Your Family Law Client Against Allegations of Sexual Abuse”, presented as part of the 1995 Family Law Midyear. He has finished a book, “Winning the Divorce Game in Washington”, which is not yet published but which will be available soon online.
For several years Forrest also taught Family Law and Business Law at South Puget Sound Community College.
Forrest has been a mentor at the Thurston County Volunteer Legal Clinic for the last three years and occasionally presents CLE’s at the Volunteer Legal Clinic. Most recently he presented the Family Law 101 CLE in both 2021 and 2022.
In his spare time Forrest enjoys spending time with his four children and five grandchildren.